Covid Policy

While FSA recommends current vaccinations and boosters, they are not required as they do not prevent transmission of COVID risks to the community, but rather reduce the probability of individual cases requiring acute care. Attendees are encouraged to use N-95 or equivalent masks (not supplied by FSG/FSA) as desired for their personal protection, however wearing masks is not required at Festival except in Cabin M and as directed by the FSG Medical Department. 

By registering, all FSA event attendees acknowledge that:

  •  Virus spreading at all types of large gatherings is inevitable to some degree, and thus accept potential exposure as an informed decision;
  •  If an attendee exhibits signs and symptoms of COVID on site as confirmed by the FSG Medical Department at any time, that such attendees must don a mask (surgical or better, no cloth masks) and get a COVID test performed immediately. Failure to wear a mask or get tested in such a scenario, will mandate that the attendee in question be escorted off site immedtely. If an attendee tests positive for COVID with corresponding signs and symptoms exhibited, they will be required to leave the Festival, yet will be eligible for a refund if the Lead Coordinator confirms such funds are available in the Festival budget