Department Head Descriptions

Interested in becoming a department head? Here’s a description of what the heads of departments do.

Lead Coordinator

The lead coordinator is responsible for making sure that everything gets done, and all problems are resolved. They serve as the primary decision maker if necessary, and also serve as the Ombudsman for attendees.

Perhaps the most important job of the lead coordinator is to get together volunteers, including department heads, that can organize and maintain the various departments. If a lead coordinator recruits good volunteers, their job becomes a lot easier.

Web Site Department Head

The web site department head is responsible for developing and maintaining the Free Spirit Gathering Web Site. The site is currently hosted on provider using WordPress. While the department head isn’t responsible for creating the content, they do need to get people to create the content, and then post it up on the web site. A department head should be familiar with WordPress (including Themes, and generating menus), image editing, video editing, and content creation using various tools.