Deprecated – Sweats

The Lightning-Struck Tree Celtic Sweat – Peggy Brennan  Beginner-friendly sweat.

Just as a lightning-struck tree has mixed the elements, so too does a sweat ritual. The medicine of entering a hut within the Earth and praying/singing together in the dark, surrounded by steam, is powerful healing. Peggy is a wounded healer, with a calling to be water pourer. A tree can become shredded by a lightning strike, but the same trauma to a human can be a transformative event. Our spirits morph, and healing often makes us stronger and more useful to the world than we were before our ordeal. Our circle will create a sphere, just as the sweat dome is a sphere (of which we only see half). Inside here lies healing. 

This ceremony will be gentle, with hot spikes, and it will help us tend to our necessary healing. If you are not utterly positive that you are covid-free, please do not come near. 

Women on their moon are welcome. Please eat lightly beforehand; bring one or two towels and a water bottle or cup, plain or fancy, for drinking water. 

People age 16-21 may participate in this Sweat with parental consent. Please have your parent/guardian sign the waiver book. 

  • For: All
  • Tradition: Celtic Shamanic Pagan
  • Heat: Moderate
  • Herbs used: Osha root and white sage
  • Ages 16+
  • Max attendance: 12

Blessings of Hot Stones, Mary “Tyrtle”

FireStone Ritual: Finding Our Way Home

This special, two-hour ritual will support us in finding our way home—to ourselves, to our lineage/ancestors, and to the rest of Nature/all our kin. The ritual will be held on Sweat Hill, but we will sit around the Sweat Fire, not inside the Sweat Dome. As with a sweat, heated Stones will guide, heal, and teach us. Please bring a cup to drink water from, a towel or two to sit on around the fire, and your prayers and questions. Optional items: if you prefer to sit in darkness, you may bring a bandana or eye curtain to cover your eyes. If you have a ceremonial bowl, cup, or small cauldron, these are welcome but not required. Drinking water is available at the Sweat site. Mary “Tyrtle” is offering this new ritual instead of her usual Stone Bath sweat.